Welcome to our booking page. New clients please complete our rider registration form.
Please click on the Spice and Marco image below and email the completed document for each rider via the contacts page (click on the 'Contact Us' link below) or send to yardstaff@icloud.com
before proceeding to book.
For w/e private lessons please scroll down below the week day private offerings.
Did you know that you can set up a Bulby Online Account through our website by clicking on the 'log in' icon at the top right of any webpage. Through your Bulby Account you can set up an online wallet which will allow you to pay for lessons simply and easily with just one click!
Gift Cards are now independently redeemable against lessons by recipients at the bookings check out on the website. If you experience difficulty please message us via the contact page (link at bottom of this message), and we will manually book lessons / hacks for you using the credit on your Gift Card. All you will need to do is provide us with your Order Number, which you will find on the right hand side of your Gift Card.
Fun Pony Days & Competitions
Off or on the lead rein, a jolly walking hack out to the village ford.
41 British poundsOpen booking slot to allow children of similar level ride together.
30 min
22 British poundsAn morning or afternoon of fun with the ponies and horses
2 hr
30 British poundsFor established riders who are riding confidently in walk trot and canter.
45 min
33 British poundsOff or on the lead rein, a jolly walking hack out to the village ford.
45 min
33 British poundsOpen booking slot to allow children of similar level ride together.
45 min
33 British poundsA one hour lesson of Polocrosse. Horseback hyrbrid of polo & lacrosse
1 hr
36 British poundsChildren's 30 minute group
30 min
22 British poundsSaddle Clubbers age 12 plus welcome to book online for Saddle Club
9 hr
10 British pounds8.30 - 1 pm half day saddle club for age 10 - 11+ yrs : book online
4 hr 30 min
7 British pounds1 - 5.30 pm half day saddle club for age 10 - 11+ yrs
4 hr 30 min
12 British pounds45 minute group. Open for age 8+ to adult competent in walk, trot & just starting to canter.
33 British poundsThis option is for riders 4yrs and under.
15 min
20.50 British poundsHat hire included for riders 4yrs and under.
15 min
23 British poundsThis option is for riders 4yrs and under.
15 min
35 British poundsFor riders 4yrs and under. Hat hire included.
15 min
21 British poundsFor riders 4yrs and under. Hat hire included
15 min
33 British poundsA lead out lead rein pottering about on a pony enjoying life.
30 min
35.50 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
30 min
35.50 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
30 min
49 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
30 min
82.50 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
45 min
46.50 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
45 min
71 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
45 min
106.50 British poundsFor age 18+ - daytime opportunity to work with horses on the yard
3 hr 30 min
5 British poundsFor age 18+ - daytime opportunity to work with horses on the yard
8 hr
9 British poundsTwo hour saddle club for age 8-9-10 yrs
2 hr
13.50 British poundsOne off booking for those joining the group late or wanting to try out Badge Night
1 hr 30 min
18 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack with birthday rosette
45 min
49 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
45 min
66 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
45 min
99 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
45 min
44 British pounds4-7pm pm evening saddle club for age 12+ yrs : book online
3 hr
7 British poundsFor age 18+ - daytime opportunity to work with horses on the yard
4 hr 30 min
7 British poundsFor age 18+ - daytime opportunity to work with horses on the yard
4 hr 30 min
7 British poundsFor age 18+ - daytime opportunity to work with horses on the yard
9 hr
10 British poundsA lead out lead rein pottering about on a pony enjoying life.
30 min
37.50 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony
45 min
46.50 British poundsA lead out lead rein pottering about on a pony enjoying life for two . Includes hat hire
30 min
49 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony include hat hire
45 min
71 British poundsFor age 18+ - daytime opportunity to work with horses on the yard
2 hr
3 British poundsBulby Ad hoc Saturday Silver Challenge. horse and pony care training for seniors senior
37.50 British poundsQuality time, four hours on the yard, groom, ride and help with day to day tasks with the ponies
4 hr
110 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony, class of two
24.50 British poundsTime with horse, groom tack and ride out
30 min
37.50 British poundsHat hire included for riders 4yrs and under.
15 min
23 British poundsGroom a pony, tack up ready to ride, potter out on horseback & untack
30 min
35.50 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony
45 min
49 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony
45 min
49 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony
45 min
46.50 British poundsFor riders 4yrs and under. Hat hire included.
15 min
23 British poundsThis option is for riders 4yrs and under includes hat hire
15 min
37 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony
30 min
37.50 British poundsThirty minute lesson for a child with gentle trainee instructor Lydia D
30 min
33 British poundsMixed 30 minute group
30 min
22 British pounds5.30-7pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions this 1/2 term.
Started Jan 6
72 British pounds5.30-7pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions, during school term time. Current age range 7-13 years.
Started Jan 8
72 British pounds4-5.30 pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions per 1/2 term. Current age range 5-10 years.
Started Jan 9
72 British pounds5.30 - 7 pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions, during school term time. Current age range 7-11 year
Started Jan 9
72 British poundsOne hour for mums or dads or carers and preschool children to gather at Bulby for coffee & ponies
1 hr
15 British poundsParent/Child time with the pony
30 min
35.50 British pounds5.30-7pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions this 1/2 term.
Starts Feb 24
72 British poundsLoading availability...
Loading availability...
5.30-7pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions, during school term time. Current age range 7-13 years.
Starts Feb 26
72 British poundsLoading availability...
Loading availability...
4-5.30 pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions per 1/2 term. Current age range 5-10 years.
Starts Feb 27
72 British poundsLoading availability...
Loading availability...
5.30 - 7 pm Pony Cub Badge night, six sessions, during school term time. Current age range 7-11 year
Starts Feb 27
72 British poundsLoading availability...
Loading availability...
30 min
33 British pounds30 min
35.50 British pounds45 min
44 British pounds45 min
46.50 British poundsCare sessions:- one on one time with horses and ponies learning to care for them.
45 min
37 British poundsCare sessions:- one on one time with horses and ponies learning to care for them.
30 min
26 British pounds30 min
37.50 British pounds45 min
46.50 British pounds45 min
49 British pounds30 min
35 British poundsCare sessions:- one on one time with horses and ponies learning to care for them.
30 min
28 British poundsCare sessions:- one on one time with horses and ponies learning to care for them.
45 min
39 British pounds1 hr
55 British poundsCare sessions:- private horse/pony care session for two
30 min
34 British poundsCare session:- for four to enjoy grooming and being round the ponies.
45 min
96 British poundsCare sessions:- one on one time with horses and ponies learning to care for them.
45 min
37 British pounds£22 per rider. 2 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
30 min
44 British pounds£33 per rider. 2 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
45 min
66 British pounds£38 per rider. 3 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
1 hr
114 British pounds£22 per rider. 4 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
30 min
88 British pounds£33 per rider. 3 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
45 min
99 British pounds£22 per rider. 3 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
30 min
44 British pounds£22 per rider. 3 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
30 min
66 British pounds£22 per rider. 5 riders per lesson must be off the lead rein.
30 min
110 British pounds£33 per rider. 3 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
45 min
132 British pounds£37 per rider 4 riders maximum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
1 hr
148 British pounds£36 per rider. 3 riders minimum per lesson must be off the lead rein.
36 British poundsIndividual hat hire per session for those who do not have hats
15 min
2.50 British poundsIndividual hat hire per session for those who do not have hats
15 min
5 British poundsIndividual hat hire per session for those who do not have hats
15 min
7.50 British poundsIndividual hat hire per session for those who do not have hats
15 min
10 British poundsIndividual hat hire per session for those who do not have hats.
15 min
12.50 British poundsAccompanied on foot lead-rein NB reminder, may need to book hat hire.
45 min
40 British poundsAccompanied on foot lead-rein NB reminder, may need to book hat hire.
45 min
76 British pounds