Bulby Equestrian Centre came to life in 1999 as a Competition Livery Yard and soon became a BHS Approved Riding School. Privately owned by Sue and Jamie Bevan, it was a child friendly yard where their children and friends grew up and learned to ride. Daughter Diana still rides and occasionally teaches at the Riding School and in the Burghley Pony Club and advises and assists with social media.
The team is led by Sue as proprietor ably supported by a diverse and competent team of local staff and instructors who are passionate about horses and looking after the clients who come to enjoy the yard. Please see the 'meet the team' page.
The yard is situated in the heart of a small working estate with grazing sheep, deer and cattle. Clients can enjoy miles of hacking on quiet country roads in winter. Summer adds extensive routes through farm grassland and woodland. The Splash and Back ride to the ford in the village and the Badger’s wood hack is great for those looking for a shorter or first time experience out of the arena.
We sit in a beautiful section of Lincolnshire countryside in ring of linked towns of Sleaford, Boston, Spalding, Peterborough, Oakham, Melton Mowbray. and Grantham.
Our all-weather 25m x 65m flood lit arena with mirrors is ideal for lessons all year round and our lovely range of ponies and horses caters for all ages and abilities. The jump field with show jumps, cross country fences and grass dressage arenas add to the fun in the nicer weather when the going is good.
Bulby has been a Pony Club Associated Centre for a number of years offering children the advantages of Pony Club membership without the commitment and expense of owning their own pony.
Bulby is a confidence-building environment supervised by knowledgeable staff that allows children and adults alike to learn and develop horsemanship skills.
Saddle Club is an opportunity for riding clients age 10+ to develop practical skills helping on the yard.
We have some steady horses who are used for disabled riders who are welcome at the yard.
The yard is in such a fabulous location to help all riders to enjoy taking or re-taking up the reins. Children can enjoy the Pony Club Centre Activities, or migrate to local Pony Club activities which take place in the area, or take advantage of the competition opportunities at nearby Sheepgate, Vale View and Arena UK. Adults can enjoy high level tuition, pub rides and hacks, and just time on the horse developing balance and control.
Bulby is a place to have time out to connect with the countryside and the horses.
The yard proprietor is Dr. Sue Bevan, the riding school is registered with South Kesteven Council, licence number A531 and through repeated high standards has a five star rating by SKDC. It is BHS and Pony Club Approved.